Francois Truffaut and Alfonso Cuaron

At last we have a comparison between the non americans, two directors in completely different times doing the same thing 50 years apart. Truffaut and Cuarón

Truffaut had a very difficult childhood, he never met his father, he was an undesired child, born outside marriage, and spent time in jail twice, although Cuarón didn’t experience such a bad experience, something true, is that he never got his family’s support, sometimes it can make the difference to have success or not. So, both knew how to move forward, and do what they wanted to do and enjoyed it.

Relationship with actors and crew:

Cuarón is not very close with his actors, but he is with his crew and collaborators, he has managed to make a great working team with them, and all of them have been very loyal with each other. Truffaut, in the other hand, is also very close and loyal to his actors and technician staff, he helped to launched the career of a lot of French actors, and become friends with several of them, also he has been emotionally engaged with some actresses.

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